Top 6 Proven Strategies for Daily High Blood Pressure Management

  Introduction Managing high blood pressure is crucial for maintaining long-term health, especially for those at risk of heart disease. Here, we explore six vital daily practices that can significantly influence your blood pressure levels. 1. Eliminate Smoking Smoking increases blood pressure temporarily, and habitual smoking can lead to sustained hypertension. Avoid all forms of tobacco, including smokeless products, to reduce health risks and manage blood pressure more effectively. 2. Maintain a Healthy Weight Being overweight often correlates with higher blood pressure. Shedding even a moderate amount of weight can have a significant impact on your blood pressure levels. Aim for a balanced diet and regular physical activity for gradual and sustainable weight loss. 3. Adopt a Heart-Healthy Diet A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, whole grains, and low-fat dairy can help lower blood pressure. Limit salt intake, as it's a known contributor to hypertension. Consider the DAS

Insisting on taking antihypertensive drugs for 27 years, how is he now?

Core tip: "take medicine to die of liver and kidney injury, do not take medicine to die of myocardial infarction, anyway, are dead, do not take medicine to eat also does not matter." This is what Dr. Huang often hears. Every time he encounters such patients, Dr. Huang will share some real cases of hypertension, hoping that their ideas will change.

"Take medicine to die of liver and kidney damage, do not take medicine to die of myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction, anyway, are dead, do not take medicine to eat also does not matter."

This is what Dr. Huang often hears. Every time he encounters such patients, Dr. Huang will share some real cases of hypertension, hoping that their ideas will change.

Dr. Huang's mother is a member of the community dance team. The leader of the team is an old man in his seventies. His hair is as white as silver, his ears are not deaf and his eyes are not dazzled. He walks with wind. People who meet him for the first time think that he is only in his early sixties. No one can think that he is a hypertension patient with 27 years' history.

The old man's surname is Qi. When he was 49 years old, he found high blood pressure. At that time, he boasted that he was strong and strong. He would not even have a cold all year round. How could he have high blood pressure? So stubborn do not take medicine, but in private also secretly checked the harm of high blood pressure, still some fear in the heart, quietly strengthened the exercise, drink less wine. There was no problem in the first half of the year, but half a year later, Mr. Qi suddenly felt dizzy. He went to the clinic to measure his blood pressure, 170 / 90mmHg, which was too high.

"The advantage and disadvantage is that you are young, 20 years older, and if your blood pressure goes up, people will say no." The doctor in the clinic inadvertently woke him up completely. Since then, Mr. Qi has been running to the hospital frequently, taking drugs regularly, giving up smoking and drinking, eating less salt and oil. His blood pressure has been well controlled, and there has been no accident.

Adhere to the standard drug use, is the key to longevity of patients with hypertension

After taking antihypertensive drugs for more than 20 years, Mr. Qi himself has summed up some experiences and lessons, hoping to help those patients who have just been ill and are still hesitant to take drugs or how to take them.

1.Antihypertensive drugs are not a scourge, hypertension is

It's true that drugs are divided into three kinds of poisons, but it can't demonize the side effects of drugs, because if you don't take drugs for fear of side effects, it's like giving up for choking. If you choke, you can drink water. It's rare to hear who chokes to death, but people who don't eat will starve sooner or later.

This principle is the same as hypertension. Taking antihypertensive drugs may or may not have side effects. If you have them, replace them with other drugs. There are five common types of antihypertensive drugs. If they don't work, replace them with another one. There are always suitable drugs for you. There are compound drugs. However, few people can control their blood pressure within the standard value without taking medicine. The result is that their blood pressure exceeds the standard value for a long time, causing damage to the heart, brain and kidney, and causing myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, chronic renal failure and other diseases. It will cost more to treat and shorten their life.

Therefore, if you have hypertension, you should insist on taking medicine according to the doctor's advice. Antihypertensive drugs are the only effective means to treat hypertension. It's not reliable to treat hypertension with food, radical cure with folk prescription and drinking tea. Don't blindly believe it. It's yourself who will be harmed in the end.

2.The more expensive the medicine, the better

After many people get sick, they especially like to learn from the old patients. Even the doctors don't listen to them. They just listen to the old patients' opinions. When the blood pressure of others drops, they go to take the medicine. As a result, it's not suitable for them. The blood pressure doesn't drop, but there are a lot of side effects.

Once upon a time, a neighbor's aunt went to buy and take Betaloc when she heard that it was good. As a result, she was dizzy and went to the hospital to check. Her pulse was less than 50 beats / minute, which was very dangerous. Because this medicine is to reduce the heart rate, aunt's heart rate is slow originally, so it is not suitable for this medicine at all. So do not copy other people's medication plan, go to the hospital to do a comprehensive examination, to find their own medicine is the key.

In addition, antihypertensive drugs are not necessarily the more expensive the better, or that sentence, do not buy expensive only buy the right. Among the same drugs, if the economic capacity allows, you can buy more expensive original drugs. Of course, now domestic drugs have a consistent evaluation and the curative effect is not bad, so you can rest assured to take them.

3.Taking antihypertensive drugs is not everything. Follow up work should be done well

Don't think your blood pressure will be stable after taking medicine. Buy an electronic sphygmomanometer to monitor your blood pressure at home, and adjust the medicine if you can't lower it. You should also pay attention to eating less salt and greasy food. If you can quit smoking and drinking, you can reduce the amount if you can't. After taking medicine, we have to go to the hospital to review. One is to see how the effect of antihypertensive drugs is and whether the blood pressure is up to the standard. On the other hand, we need to see whether the drugs have side effects. If the indicators are abnormal, we need to adjust the medication in time so as not to cause too much harm to the body.

Finally, I wish you all have a good health!

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Top 6 Proven Strategies for Daily High Blood Pressure Management