Top 6 Proven Strategies for Daily High Blood Pressure Management

  Introduction Managing high blood pressure is crucial for maintaining long-term health, especially for those at risk of heart disease. Here, we explore six vital daily practices that can significantly influence your blood pressure levels. 1. Eliminate Smoking Smoking increases blood pressure temporarily, and habitual smoking can lead to sustained hypertension. Avoid all forms of tobacco, including smokeless products, to reduce health risks and manage blood pressure more effectively. 2. Maintain a Healthy Weight Being overweight often correlates with higher blood pressure. Shedding even a moderate amount of weight can have a significant impact on your blood pressure levels. Aim for a balanced diet and regular physical activity for gradual and sustainable weight loss. 3. Adopt a Heart-Healthy Diet A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish, whole grains, and low-fat dairy can help lower blood pressure. Limit salt intake, as it's a known contributor to hypertension. Consider the DAS

In winter, the risk of cardiovascular disease is increasing, and Patients with hypertension should pay attention to it

 Core tips: China is the country with the largest number of hypertension patients in the world, and the number of hypertension patients is about 245 million. The prevalence of hypertension in people over 18 years old in China is 23.2%. However, the awareness rate of hypertension in China is only 51.6%, which means that half of the people with hypertension do not know that they are sick, which is very dangerous. The low awareness rate indicates that hypertension can not be controlled in time, which is very easy to cause other related diseases.

What diseases are hypertension associated with? What harm does bad blood pressure control have to have?

Hypertension is the most relevant risk factor for stroke, and can significantly increase the risk of coronary heart disease, heart failure, and other diseases. Hypertension is also the primary risk factor for cardiovascular events. 30% of the world's people die from cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart accident. Among them, 62% of stroke events are directly caused by hypertension, and 49% of myocardial infarction is directly caused by hypertension.

High blood pressure can also lead to heart failure. Heart failure (heart failure) is the final stage of all cardiovascular diseases - "the last battlefield of heart disease". Hypertension and coronary heart disease are important causes of heart failure. The risk of death caused by heart failure is 2-3 times of advanced cancer such as breast cancer and colon cancer.

Have you found that as long as you are older people, more or less have hypertension? What does hypertension have to do with it?

1. Genetic factors

Hypertension has obvious familial aggregation. Parents have hypertension, and the probability of children suffering from hypertension is as high as 46%.

2. Bad eating habits

Bad eating habits are more likely to develop hypertension, such as high sodium, low potassium, low calcium diet, drinking a lot, excessive protein intake, etc.

3. Life pressure

People who have been engaged in high mental stress work for a long time and those who have lived in noisy environments for a long time and whose hearing sensitivity is reduced are more likely to develop hypertension. But after rest or relaxation, the symptoms and levels of hypertension will be relieved.

4. Smoking

Smoking can increase the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve endings and increase blood pressure. At the same time, it can damage the vasodilation mediated by nitric oxide through oxidative stress, resulting in increased blood pressure.

5. Obesity

About 1 / 3 of patients with hypertension have different degrees of obesity. For every 3 kg / m2 increase in BML, the risk of hypertension within 4 years increased by 50% in men and 57% in women. The type of obesity is closely related to the occurrence of hypertension.

6. Drugs

Women who take contraceptives are more likely to suffer from hypertension. The incidence and degree of elevated blood pressure are related to the duration of taking contraceptives. Hypertension caused by oral contraceptives is generally mild and reversible. Blood pressure usually returns to normal 3-6 months after discontinuation of oral contraceptives. Other drugs such as ephedrine, adrenocortical hormone, NSAIDs and Glycyrrhiza can also increase blood pressure.

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease in winter

Studies have shown that the number of deaths due to diseases in winter is significantly higher than that in other seasons. Compared with summer, the mortality rate of cardiovascular diseases in winter is increased by about 41%. Among them, stroke-related death increases by nearly half, and ischemic heart disease death increases by one third. Why is that? Because there are many connections between cold and cardiovascular disease, cold can lead to high blood pressure, which leads to a high incidence of cardiovascular disease, which increases the mortality of cardiovascular disease in winter.

The rise of blood pressure in healthy people will not cause serious consequences, but if it is a high blood pressure group, it is very dangerous to increase blood pressure in winter. Therefore, patients with hypertension must be more careful to control blood pressure smoothly in winter to reduce the risk of disease. How should hypertensive patients do in winter?

1. Monitor blood pressure and adjust medication

In winter, about one-third of patients with hypertension need to increase antihypertensive drugs. The cold will increase blood pressure, so more control is needed than usual. Patients with hypertension need to consult their doctors if they find that their blood pressure is elevated during taking medicine. If necessary, they should adjust the types and dosage of antihypertensive drugs according to the doctor's advice.

2. Keep warm

In the environment of - 5 ℃ for more than 5 minutes, the blood pressure will rise by 10 mmHg, but the clothes can be thick enough to avoid this situation, so we must pay attention to keep warm in winter, especially the patients with hypertension. Different parts of the body feel cold degree is not the same, the face is the most sensitive, hypertension patients in winter should pay attention to wear hats, scarves, masks, etc., as far as possible to reduce exposure to the cold environment of the skin.

3. Moderate exercise

Exercise can promote vasodilation and increase blood flow, so it can be appropriate to exercise, but try to avoid going out in the morning in winter, and the temperature in the morning is lower, which may be more likely to induce cardiovascular disease.

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Top 6 Proven Strategies for Daily High Blood Pressure Management